Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Smoking update!

I am not going to lie I have not quit all the way. Found out some bad news about the house we are renting, and we will be having to move soon so I have been stressing bad. I tried the Nicorette and we received the 4mg gum and lozenges but they sting and burn SOOOOO bad! I don't know if I will have to get used to them or order the 2mg kind but man they hurt! I bought 2 disposable e-cigs awhile back and pulled them out to puff on when I am craving a cigarette but a puff or 2 is all I need. Today I only smoked 2 cigarettes! And I usually smoke a 1/2 of a pack to a pack and a 1/2 a day so I feel great about that! I'm hoping to have kicked it by the beginning of next month and be strictly e-cig or Nicorette! The e-cig really helps. I don't know if I am addicted to the nicotine or just the act of smoking yet but the e-cig is just like a cigarette but without the harmful stuff and second hand smoke but does have nicotine. The "smoke" is just water vapors which allows me to smoke in the house. Which is nice considering its 15 degrees or less during the day and in the negatives at night lol Did you quit smoking? If so how did you do it? I'm also going to try using sugar free gun.


  1. Smoking cessation is not easy, but not impossible. With the right information, and from other people's motives, every smoker succeed Bust this destructive habit.

    e cig liquid refill

  2. Hi Lynn I randomly roundhouses thrum your post on the weightloss challenge facebook page. I read your comment about not signing up due to lack of shorts. I think u should go in your Capri s! Show up...weigh in...take the plunge! I have just finished reading every post on your blog. I think you need this! I'm sure they will let u join. I can hear the wavering hopelessness and fight to do well in your writing...don't let shorts hold you back!
