Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So, I didn't realize how late it was when I finally sat down to blog last night. We finally got back on a normal sleep schedule so I couldn't risk stay up all night and getting it backwards again. I wanted to hop on fast and post this for anyone who follows so they know I didn't intentionally skip posting last night. I'm up, and ready to blog before I go swimming so I should be done blogging the main one I am going to post in a few. I have set some short and long term goals for myself I will be posting and have decided to take another approach to my clean eating by doing what Chris Powell of Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition has the extremely obese use that is called carb cycling. Once I finish reading his book I am going to try it out :) This was I will never ever feel deprived and it should help me make this a complete lifestyle change I can stick to for the rest of my life :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for sticking to your accountability goals.
